Trump goes to GOP playbook with transgender ban

Trump announced his transgender ban while his Defense Secretary was ON VACATION. Essentially confirms a political decision from WH, not DOD led — @AdamBlickstein. Perhaps. We’ll have to see if DOD is on board. It looks like the administration is melting down. Purge at White House; Sec of State is “taking time off” during time of open disputes with WH; AG’s job is under constant threat. Madness reigns.   Method to Madness: The Transgender ban is a play to the base, designed to shore up Republican prospects in 2018 Rust Belt states. It’s horrible, but straight out of the GOP playbook. Rove and Company used a similar strategy in 2004, putting state anti-gay marriage laws on the general election ballot to bring out…

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Sean Hannity’s Buckley award yanked. Sad!

 Worth Noting Sean Hannity has been stripped of the Buckley Award because he’s stupid and hateful. Big take-down for Sean Hannity, thanks to Novelist Chrisopher Buckley, who got in cousin Brent Bozell’s face because the Fox “personality” is hateful and stupid. From now on to forever, Sean will lie that he turned it down. Anyway, Hannity is publicly humiliated. Sad! Here’s coverage from CNN, which I’m sure took no pleasure in reporting this. Loved “Thank You for Smoking,” BTW
