On September 21, 2011, Troy Anthony Davis died by lethal injection at 11:08 p.m. for the murder of a Savannah policeman despite widespread doubts about his guilt. If there is a silver lining to all this, it’s that the state’s steadfast refusal to budge on a case that ended up being far from certain has raised doubts in more people’s minds about the efficacy and fairness of the death penalty. The Chatham County DA and the state of Georgia did not do the death penalty any favors by pushing this to its bitter end. Another man is dead, and many of us feel diminished because of it. This case, with its racial overtones, lack of hard evidence, and shifting testimony, reminds us…
Brambleman giveaway at Goodreads
I’ve set up book giveaways at Goodreads for both Chain Gang Elementary (10 copies) and Brambleman (5 copies). Read the latest review of just-published Brambleman. And here’s the review page for Chain Gang Elementary, which was named “Book of the Month” at Indie Books List. If you’re a Goodreads member, sign up to win a copy today. If not, then become a member. It’s free!
The everchanging nature of Zimmerman’s tale
Update: New video evidence shows marks on the back of Zimmerman’s head, suggesting there was a scuffle … but no indication of a busted nose or blood on his clothes. I don’t know how it went down between George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin that night, but I really want to, along with a billion other people. Unfortunately, the police didn’t find out how it went down, either. They took the shooter’s word for it. The problem: George Zimmerman’s claim of self-defense doesn’t add up, and that law that protected him from arrest–Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” rule–doesn’t either. Nor should it mean that there would be no investigation. Every “Stand Your Ground” defense should be presented to a grand jury. And the law itself should be…
Story about a homeless writer makes Forsyth County’s Polo Club webpage
This is as close as Brambleman gets to Forsyth County’s Polo Golf and Country Club. The webpage posted the Yahoo! News article about Brambleman, the Forsyth County saga. The house listings run from $200,000 to $800,000, but I’m sure there are some pricier ones up there, as well. Or, you could search the foreclosures section, things being tough all over, even in the Forsyth County and Cumming, Georgia real estate market. Here’s some more info about the book. Check back at www.brambleman.com tomo at rrow to see the latest review.
New Book Recounts Georgia County’s Brutal Racial Violence
The curious case of the man in the doorway
Update: The firefighters in the this case have been disciplined (verbal reprimand) for failing to file the proper paperwork in the case. Read more. Forsyth County Sheriff Ted Paxton is running for re-election, so this is not a good thing for him. The incident took place January 13, and I first saw the story in the Gainesville Times, but it’s obviously gaining traction. From the Atlanta Journal-Constitution: Forsyth County Fire Chief Danny Bowman said Thursday he requested the investigation last week because he was “not satisfied with the amount of information” in the summary of the 911 incident filed by three firefighters from Engine 8 who answered the January call. When they arrived at the home, the firefighters found Paxton passed out…