Abrams Playbook makes Georgia top target for Dems in 2020

By Jonathan Grant @Brambleman In the past, Georgia has not received top-tier attention or funding in presidential races. Due to demographic changes and her remarkably close finish in the 2018 gubernatorial race, Stacey Abrams wants to change that. She’s pushing Georgia to national Democrats as their best 2020 investment opportunity in her just-released Abrams Playbook (see below). It lays out a blueprint/game plan for campaigns to build on her 2018 successes to turn Georgia Blue. In her opening letter, Abrams argues: “When analyzing next year’s political landscape and electoral opportunities, any less than full investment in Georgia would amount to strategic malpractice.” The Abrams team does an excellent job laying out a case for treating Georgia like a must-win battleground state, and…

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