By Jonathan Grant @Brambleman Click for info on voting in Tuesday’s election When I saw Marcy Sakrison’s latest flyer attacking Peachtree City library director and fellow candidate Jill Prouty, I thought of a detective novel by Dashiell Hammett, The Thin Man. The book was about a character who existed only on paper. Sakrison’s special election campaign is also two-dimensional, comprised mainly of money and mailers. Sakrison is running in Tuesday’s four-way nonpartisan special election primary in Coweta and Fayette Counties to replace District 71 Rep. David Stover, who resigned in June. She’s struggled to differentiate herself from two other Republican candidates: Army veteran Philip Singleton and nonprofit director Nina Blackwelder. That’s a difficult task when their talking points are virtually identical. The…
Book ’em, Jill: In Georgia House race, Prouty stands alone in favor of common-sense gun safety laws
Click for info on voting in Tuesday’s election Download the flyer:Jill Prouty Stands out I’m not against gun ownership,” Jill Prouty says. “But I want people to be educated about guns. They should know a family member is more likely to be shot than an intruder.” The Peachtree City library director is the only candidate in the Sept. 3 House Dristrict 71 special election who supports common-sense gun legislation, such as universal background checks. Recent polls show that a vast majority of Americans (and 84% of Republicans) approve of instituting background checks for sales at gun shows and other private sales. Even in the wake of mass shootings, all three Republicans in the race stand firmly with the gun lobby. “They are completely…
Why does Marcy Westmoreland Sakrison fear the librarian?
By Jonathan Grant@Brambleman Click for info on voting in Tuesday’s election Click for update on Marcy’s campaign! Marcy Westmoreland Sakrison has sent out mailers attacking an unnamed but identifiable opponent in Georgia’s House District 71 special election: ATTENTIONMARCY WESTMORELAND SAKRISON IS THE REPUBLICAN WHO CAN BEAT THE HAND PICKED CHOICE OF THE DEMOCRATIC ELITE She’s talking about longtime Peachtree City librarian Jill Prouty, the only Democrat running. Say her name! During a recent interview, Prouty discussed her candidacy. She never mentioned any of the “elites” pictured on the flyer. Instead, she talked about rejecting the GOP when it became the Party of Trump and getting involved in local Democratic politics. She joined the Coweta Democratic Women’s Council, considered running, gauged her support,…
Marcy Westmoreland Sakrison relies on special-interest cash to fund Georgia House campaign
By Jonathan Grant @Brambleman Click for info on voting in Tuesday’s election Click for update on Marcy’s campaign! Follow the money. It’s a good way to scope out a political race, and Georgia’s special House election in Coweta and Fayette Counties is no exception to the rule. Because the election to replace David Stover is on a short time frame, a money snapshot is especially telling. With no incumbent, the dollar amounts aren’t big, but one fact pops out quickly. Somebody wants to buy the election. Whether the attempt works is another issue. Three candidates rely on individual donors, but not Sakrison, the anointed establishment Republican. She’s raised the most money and relies heavily on special interests to finance her campaign. One…
Foolproof Steps for Voting Absentee in Georgia
If you’re out canvassing voters these days (or voting absentee), you need “Foolproof Steps for Voting Absentee.” This essential document was prepared by DeKalb County Precinct Captain, Melanie Manning. Thank you so much, Melanie! Foolproof_Steps_for_Voting_Absentee (1) Please: Download Print Use Share
Former Republican Jill Prouty stands out from MAGA hopefuls in Georgia special House race
Candidates: Nina Blackwelder (R), Jill Prouty (D), Marcy Westmoreland Sakrison (R), and Philip Singleton (R). Click names for websites. (originally posted August 8) By Jonathan Grant @Brambleman Click for info on voting in Tuesday’s election Read the latest post: “Why does Marcy Westmoreland Sakrison fear the librarian?” What’s at stake: Georgia House Seat 71 (map). The suburban/exurban Atlanta district contains a large section of eastern Coweta County and a slice of Peachtree City in Fayette. The jungle primary is September 3; if no candidate receives a majority of the votes, a runoff will be held Oct. 1. Audio of the hour-long forum is available at bottom of this post. One of these candidates is not like the others All three Republican candidates seeking to…