John’s 47th birthday aptly falls on Earth Day. Come help him celebrate and raise funds for his statewide PSC campaign.
Enjoy great food, live music, and lots of fun. Kids welcome. The event runs from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. this Sunday at John’s solar-powered homestead in West Atlanta.2121B Hollywood Rd., Atlanta GA 30318
From the e-vite:
Please join us at our home this Sunday to celebrate John’s 47th Earth Day Birthday. There will be wood-fire pizza and a salad made with locally grown produce. The Bee’s Knees cocktail will be made with honey from our own hives and garnished with mint from our garden. We will have Earth Day activities for the kids and live music for the adults. We also have a rain contingency.
I hope you can join me, along with the many other hosts, to wish John a Happy Birthday and help support his campaign for Public Service Commission.
Wendy Hogg
John Noel wants to change the energy outlook at the PSC. Let’s join him!
Read “John Noel runs with the sun”
Watch: “Sticking It to the Man!”
Visit John’s website
On Twitter: @NoelforPSC
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