NCAA “Green Card” chanters punished

Update: Five University of Southern Mississippi pep band members have been punished. They were indeed stripped of their kazoos and ordered into a geography class, or something like that. * * * I had seeded Southern Mississippi 56th out of 68 NCAA tournament teams in my SAT score brackets, but after Friday’s game, I’m considering moving the school to the bottom of my list due to the behavior of its pep band members, whose xenophobia and ethnic prejudice are only matched by their ignorance of geography. During Southern Mississippi’s opening round contest with Kansas State, Golden Eagles pep band members broke out chanting, “Where’s your green card”  at Kansas State guard Angel Rodriguez as he shot a free throw. The Jayhawks’ Rodriguez…

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Racist Obama bumper sticker’s maker is publicity-shy

Ugly. The guy who was selling them claims to live in Old Town, Missouri, near the Arkansas line. Here’s some background on the racist bumper stickers that have been showing up in Texas. Stumpy’s Stickers is the sort of thing that shrivels up and disappears under the light of day.      
