Election Eve: Here’s the latest list of DeKalb polling place changes and drop box locations. Absentee ballots must be in drop boxes by 7 p.m. Tuesday June 9

The latest: Briarcliff, Gresham Road, Bouldercrest, North Decatur, Ponce de Leon, Rock Chapel, Scott, and Silver Lake precincts have been added to the list of changes. June 9 voters in 26 precincts will have to cast ballots in 23 new locations. Drop boxes have been installed in Dunwoody and Stone Mountain. Seven in all, now. DeKalb emergency precinct shifts for June 9 For more details, scroll down to bottom of post to read pdf of changes Ashford Parkside precinct voters will shift to Montgomery Elementarry School; Bouldercrest precinct voters will shift to Obama Elementary School; Briarcliff precinct voters will shift to Sagamore Hills Elementary School; Clairemont East precinct voters will shift to Decatur Recration Department; Coralwood precinct voters will shift to Briarlake…

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Agony & uplift: For Georgia’s unvarnished racial history, this is the essential book

The Way It Was in the South: The Black Experience in Georgia by Donald L. Grant Edited with an Introduction by Jonathan Grant 624 pp., paper University of Georgia Press, 2001   Editors’ Choice — American Heritage Winner, Georgia “Author of the Year” Award Available wherever books are sold, or from the University of Georgia Press.  Read about the effort to complete my late father’s life’s work This readable, fast-paced account covers 450 years of Georgia’s African-American experience. Solidly researched and documented, The Way It Was in the South sets the record straight on the progress of blacks and the contributions they made to the state — and the solid wall of white resistance they encountered nearly every step of the way.…

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Brambleman is an award-winning novel about Forsyth County, Georgia. Check out the Prologue and Chapter One

The story: Down-and-out Atlanta writer Charlie Sherman has no idea what madness awaits him when a mysterious stranger convinces him to finish a dead man’s book about a horrific crime that’s gone unpunished for decades. What Charlie inherits is an unwieldy manuscript about the mob-driven expulsion of more than 1,000 blacks from Forsyth County, Georgia in 1912. During the course of his work, Charlie uncovers a terrible secret involving a Forsyth County land grab. Due to its proximity to Atlanta, the stolen farm is now worth $20 million—and a sale is pending. When he finds the land’s rightful owner, Charlie becomes convinced he’s been chosen by a Higher Power to wreak justice and vengeance on those who profit from evil. Winner of the IBPA’s…

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Georgia Democrats: PSC candidate John Noel ain’t having it with Georgia Power disconnections during crisis

Above: “I love Georgians. The grit. The energy. The determination to make the best even better. That’s why I’m running for PSC; to give a voice to those determined to make it better.”–John Noel  (Website) Tweets of the day John Noel ain’t having it with Georgia Power’s heartlessness Noel: “How can a company like Georgia Power that made 1.7 BILLION last year, with a CEO that makes $13,000 a day pull the plug on hurting Georgians while Covid-19 and unemployment run rampant with no end in sight? I can’t believe what I’m reading folks. People need relief, not more grief. Read story here.  Georgia Power wants to resume disconnections?? You made $1.7 billion last year. A hundred year monopoly and ya can’t…

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New day in deep-red Georgia? Hundreds protest in Peachtree City, Democrat Jill Prouty calls out MAGA candidates who “fail on social justice”

By Jonathan Grant @Brambleman Jill Prouty stepped outside the library she manages in Peachtree City on Tuesday, June 2, and observed a wondrous sight: Hundreds of people kneeling on the lawn of the City Hall complex. In the land of golf carts, they had marched to protest police brutality and racial injustice. Peachtree City Police Chief Janet Moon walked with them. It was as peaceful as peaceful could be. The hastily organized solidarity protest drew a crowd of 400 people, perhaps more. You can read local news coverage here. Lots of pictures. Many young people chanting “Black Lives Matter.” “It gave me chills,” said Prouty, who is also the Democratic candidate for Georgia House District 71 in Fayette and Coweta counties. “It…

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Emergency update, June 8 edition: DeKalb moves 3 more polling sites, 27 in all affecting 30 precincts

The latest: Briarcliff, Gresham Road, Bouldercrest, North Decatur, Ponce de Leon, Rock Chapel, Scott, and Silver Lake precincts have been added to the list of changes. June 9 voters in 26 precincts will have to cast ballots in 23 new locations. Drop boxes have been installed in Dunwoody and Stone Mountain. Seven in all, now. DeKalb emergency precinct shifts for June 9 For more details, scroll down to bottom of post to read pdf of changes Ashford Parkside precinct voters will shift to Montgomery Elementarry School; Clairemont East precinct voters will shift to Decatur Recration Department; Coralwood precinct voters will shift to Briarlake Elementary School; Dunwoody 2 precinct voters will shift to Dunwoody High School; Embry Hills precinct voters will shift to…

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