The Way It Was in the South: The Black Experience in Georgia
by Donald L. Grant
Edited with an Introduction by Jonathan Grant
624 pp., paper
University of Georgia Press, 2001
Editors’ Choice — American Heritage
Winner, Georgia “Author of the Year” Award
Available wherever books are sold, or from the University of Georgia Press.
Read about the effort to complete my late father’s life’s work
This readable, fast-paced account covers 450 years of Georgia’s African-American experience. Solidly researched and documented, The Way It Was in the South sets the record straight on the progress of blacks and the contributions they made to the state — and the solid wall of white resistance they encountered nearly every step of the way.
More Praise for The Way It Was in the South:

“A superior work.”—William S. McFeely Pulitzer Prize-winning historian
“A colossal work. The quality is high, its scope and completeness perhaps unique.” — Herbert Aptheker, editor of A Documentary History of the Negro People
“Truly a tour de force … incredibly detailed, sometimes discursive, and always placed in the context of the larger national, even world, picture…. It is doubtful if any other state has had the story of its slaves and its free blacks, its freedmen and their generations of descendants, told in such detail and completeness, and with such convincing authoritativeness. … Georgians, southerners, indeed any American … can read The Way It Was in the South: The Black Experience in Georgia, with great profit and ease.” — Journal of American History
“The Way It Was unfolds dramatically…. Finally, a book of southern history that doesn’t put you to sleep and a little bit of our history that isn’t whitewashed.” — Atlanta Tribune
“[M]onumental …The paradoxical existence of black achievement in the midst of racial oppression is a central theme. It provides an indelible picture of blacks’ achievements despite lynching, segregation, and other degradations. Accessible and informative for students and the general public. [While] one volume cannot do everything, this one does a great deal.” — Georgia Historical Quarterly
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