The proud white folks who run the Adolf Hitler fan page apparently like the premise of Brambleman enough to cover the book. While my novel does recount the expulsion of blacks from Forsyth County in 1912, unlike the white pride folks, I don’t treat it as a good thing. I hate to break it to them, but Brambleman is quite the opposite of a racist work, and the violence in Forsyth is the book’s bad beginning, not its happy ending. I’m not going to furnish a link to their site. Instead, you can read about Brambleman on Yahoo! News. I just realized that the “White Pride” page also publishes Yahoo News. It’s just pronounced differently and should be called “News for Yahoos.”
Zimmerman’s self-defense claim erodes a little more
Police have released videos of George Zimmerman being brought into the Sanford, Florida police station the night he shot and killed Trayvon Martin. In the videos, Zimmerman shows no signs of the beating he claimed he endured at the hands of Martin. Also, the funeral director in charge of preparing the shooting victim for burial has reported that he saw no marks on Trayvon’s hands indicating the youth had been in a fight. See story.
The see-sawing of the Trayvon Martin case continues
Yesterday, it was pushback from George Zimmerman’s camp and his supporters. Now, new reports are surfacing that there was a push from within the Sanford, Florida Police Department to get homicide or manslaughter warrants for neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman very soon after the shooting death of Trayvon Martin. According to this article in the Huffington Post, there were delays in the state’s attorney’s office, and then the governor stepped in. It’s getting twisted and contradictory, but at least there’s some sign that someone looking at the case early had doubts about Zimmerman’s account–which, even when taken at face value, doesn’t add up.
Pimping my tweet for “That’s Just Peachy”
When I checked my website’s traffic this morning, I saw that a large amount was coming from That’s Just Peachy, a Georgia news website. When I checked the site, I was happy to see the Brambleman cover art on the front page. The website had posted my tweet: “The Forsyth County Novel has been published. Deliverance meets The Da Vinci Code, kills mockingbird.” This linked to the “The Book” page on my Brambleman website. Which is great, of course. I had hoped that the news organizations I’d tweeted and e-mailed would contact me for more information (and several have), but I wasn’t expecting my tweet to be published. It’s a good reminder that anything I tweet can be used for or against me…
Pushback in Trayvon Martin case
Two developments to report. George Zimmerman’s account of why he shot and killed Trayvon Martin has surfaced, and Sanford police have signaled their backing of his story. The most recent news reports don’t explain why Zimmerman ignored police warnings and pursued Martin. Also, Zimmerman claims that he was screaming for help. Screams can be heard during a 911 call, but it has not been determined forensically who was crying out for help. One of many things the local police didn’t do. Also, news about Trayvon Martin’s drug-related suspension from high school. (There are also reports of graffiti and suspected burglary.) This doesn’t really have anything to do with the shooting, but it will be useful information for those people among us who…
New book explores Forsyth County’s bloody history
News from Thornbriar Press For release upon receipt Download pdf version: Press Release 1 Brambleman Examines Forsyth County’s Racist Past A new novel by an award-winning writer and editor focuses attention on one of the most horrific acts of racism in U.S. history and its repercussions “unto the third and fourth generation.” Brambleman tells the story of down-and-out Atlanta writer Charlie Sherman, who is convinced by a mysterious stranger to finish a dead professor’s book about a crime that’s gone unpunished for decades. What Charlie works on is an unwieldy manuscript about the mob-driven expulsion of more than 1,000 blacks from Forsyth County, Georgia in 1912. However, Charlie also uncovers a terrible secret involving a Forsyth County land grab. Due to its…