Georgia PSC-Vogtle update: All’s hell that ends hell

  The Georgia Public Service Commission is one day away from some kind of deal on Plant Vogtle’s completion. Meanwhile, Congress has put off dealing with nuclear tax credits, which Southern Company desperately needs, until next year. Heavily redacted emails show lobbyists pitching completion of Plant Vogtle as a “national security issue”—although many would argue that nuclear plants make great targets for terrorists. Then there’s this: The PSC staff—not a big fan of Vogtle completion–weighs in with harsh criticism of Georgia Power. EnergyWire reporter Kristi E. Swartzwrites: ATLANTA — The Georgia Public Service Commission staff attacked Georgia Power Co. for its role in what is now two half-built nuclear reactors that are billions of dollars over budget. In a brief filed with the PSC, the staff said Georgia…

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He’s festive. He’s feisty. He’ll fight for you.

Keep up with Georgia’s festive and feisty John Noel, the Democratic candidate for Public Service Commision who’s willing to speak up for consumers and taxpayers, regardless of the consequences! Read more about John’s “illegal” testimony. Read “John Noel runs with the sun” Watch video feature “Sticking it to the Man!” Visit John’s website On Twitter: @NoelforPSC  Follow John on Facebook


Must-read article on passage of SB 31 shows how Georgia got into Vogtle Mess

I am so sick and tired of Georgia Power’s lies and corruption. I was the PSC’s spokesman during the 1980s, and back then, commissioners would oppose legislation like SB 31 that usurped the PSC’s power. For the past decade, with this crowd on the commission cheering it on, Georgia Power has gotten its way. It’s disgusting. Plant Vogtle should be the biggest issue in 2018. That’s why I’m backing John @NoelforPSC. From the AJC: Seventy years ago, two Emory University graduates set out across the state asking a simple yet profound question: Who runs Georgia? The answer, as Calvin Kytle and James A. Mackay later wrote: the railroads and Georgia Power. The utility, in particular, held such sway over legislators that an Atlanta…

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Hot mic: John Noel’s outlaw testimony at the Georgia Public Service Commission

FREE JOHN NOEL!  (OK, he hasn’t been arrested yet.) When John Noel showed up to speak as a public witness Monday at the Georgia Public Service Commission, Chairman Stan Wise cut him off, claiming that, as a PSC candidate he had “other forums.” Noel was irritated at the censorship. He’d spoken at the PSC several times before, as a legislator, later as an energy-efficiency expert, and most recently in June—as a PSC candidate. So what happened between June and now? Well, there was this. Needless to say, Wise is not a big fan of Noel, who wants to take the PSC seat of the chairman’s buddy, Chuck Eaton. Not to be denied, Noel took matters into his own hands and produced a…

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