“An excellent book club book”

This amazon.com review comes from Julio A. Campos, who gives Brambleman 4 1/2 stars.  Unfortunately, this translated to 4 stars on Amazon.com. Round up peopple, round up! I like a review to say it how it is….This is a good book ! You should get it! Read the other reviews to see what it is about. I won’t waste your time on that, but listen up–it’s a fun read and worth your time. I will also add, I read this as part of my book club. It is an excellent book club selection as the book leaves the reader with intrigue, shallow doubt, and many details to ponder and hash out in a group!


Will there be fisticuffs at Forsyth Commission meetings?

Two Forsyth County officials, Commissioner Patrick Bell and Commission Chairman and Jim Boff,  cannot get along, thus requiring a deputy sheriff at meetings until Bell leaves office in December. Their latest argument involved trading insults and a low-grade threat by Bell.  You can read more here. By the way, Bell won’t let it go. Half the comments on the Atlanta Journal-Constitution article are from him.      


Brambleman: “Best book I’ve read this year”

This 5-star review comes from the Forsyth County Library website. Until Monday, when I met with the Ashebrooke Book Club, I hadn’t realized that the local library carried the book, but now I see that they have a couple of copies, and there’s a waiting list for Brambleman. “Koord” writes: “Brambleman has a fast pace and interesting character development. It is an unpredictable journey with a cental figure who was once a typical husband and father. Just when you think you’ve seen him through the worst, Grant pushes him beyond human limits. Then he does it again… and again. Then he does it once more! I found myself clutching my throat more than a few times. I’m out of breath from this…

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Meet Forsyth County’s Ashebrooke Book Club

I had a wonderful time with the lovely ladies of the Ashebrooke Book Club in Forsyth County today. It was a large turnout (most of the members appear in the photo). The event was organized by my friend Marcy Theobald and hosted by Jenny Barber. They even had Brambleman cupcakes! I had no idea technology has advanced that far.  I should get out more often!  (Check out the close-up at the end of the post.) They also gave me a gift card to Starbucks, so I can stay awake to write my next book. Thank you, Ashebrookians! The book clubbers said they enjoyed Brambleman and asked a lot of questions, most of which I had answers for—and when I didn’t, I think I…

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Brambleman: ‘Touched by an Angel’ meets Freddie Krueger

I just saw the latest four-star review of Brambleman on Amazon.com.  A Forsyth County reader makes the same observation many others have made: She had no idea where the story would go next. Here’s the whole review: This book centers around the racial history of Forsyth County GA, where I have lived for 10 years. A friend recommended it so I bought it mainly due to the historical aspect of the book. Honestly I had no idea the main plot line. It was very interesting to read about some of the horrific things that happened here in the early 1900’s but none of that was surprising. What was surprising, however, was the strange storyline that actually really sucks you in. I like…

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One question interview

Question: Can you compare Brambleman to any films? Answer: I’ve never seen a movie like it, but if I had to draw comparisons, I’d say perhaps It’s a Wonderful Life combined with Tobacco Road, with a strong measure of Beetlejuice thrown in, or maybe The DaVinci Code meets Deliverance.
