Jonathan Grant @Brambleman Above: Week One primary runoff vote totals for DeKalb County, which declined to open additional polling sites outside its Memorial Drive office. So no early voting inside Georgia’s Sixth District, home to 100,000 DeKalb voters. This was a terrible decision, and quite vote-suppressing, though the Board would never admit it. Here’s the background. DeKalb’s countywide turnout so far: 0.003 (3/10ths of 1 percent) Source: DeKalb Board of Elections If you’re a DeKalb voter and don’t want to drive to the Board of Elections offices, vote absentee. Check out the foolproof steps to voting absentee. Also, there’s other breaking DeKalb County voting news. Turns out Rep. Scott Holcomb‘s been getting robbed of hundreds of votes every election since 2012. Read…
Major Georgia voting snafu has robbed 100s of votes from Rep. Scott Holcomb for years
Jonathan Grant @Brambleman Going back at least to 2012, a major error by the DeKalb County Board of Elections has put nearly 700 voters who should be in Democratic Rep. Scott Holcomb’s House District 81 in (up until recently) safe Republican House District 79. Bear in mind, Doraville North is a reliably blue precinct, giving Democratic candidates hefty majorities. Jon Ossoff took Doraville North last year with 75 percent of the vote. These voters would have increased Holcomb’s victory margin in 2016 by about 200, and they are even more crucial in a mid-term election, when turnout is typically lower. Here’s what happened: A portion of Doraville North extends east past Buford Highway around Oakcliff Road near the Gwinnett County line; Buford Highway…
Senate panel agrees with Intel agencies: Russia pushed for Trump victory in 2016
From Reuters: WASHINGTON – A Senate Intelligence Committee report released on Tuesday supports three U.S. intelligence agencies’ conclusion that Russia tried to help Donald Trump win the 2016 U.S. presidential election. The Republican-led committee’s finding suggests the panel continues to conduct a bipartisan inquiry into the issue amid political rancor between Republicans and Democrats on allegations that Moscow interfered in the election. “The Committee finds that the overall judgments issued in the ICA were well-supported and the tradecraft was strong.” Read the Report
Protesting Kafka for kids: Atlanta’s huge “Families Belong Together” march, rally
By Jonathan Grant @Brambleman Families belong together. Across the United States, that was the message at 750 protests protesting the Trump Administration’s horribly cruel immigration policies that includes separating families, keeping kids in cages and putting toddlers on trial without an attorney. The sheer ugliness of the “zero tolerance” plan is beyond belief, even surreal: Kafka for kids. Several million marchers across the U.S. I haven’t seen any authoritative crowd estimates for the march and rally here in Atlanta (AJC gave a lame “several thousand”) but it was huge. I was in the middle of the march and I’d guesstimate it was at least 7,500 and maybe 10,000. (DIY crowd estimate.I didn’t see the doll babies in cages some protesters marched with,…
1% of Ossoff donations would fully fund Sally Harrell’s Georgia Senate campaign
Above: Photo by Laurel Cantrell So why don’t we do this? Seriously. If we want to turn Georgia blue in the 2020 presidential election, we need a much better ground game. No Democratic challenger for a legislative seat in the state has a more advanced ground game than Resistance leader Sally Harrell. She just won a landslide victory in the primary and now she squares off against This Guy. Yeah, the one who wants to restrict black voters in favor of “more educated voters.” We have to beat this guy. You can help. DONATE! In 2017, Dems spent $30M on #GA06 and failed. Better strategy: build Dem strength locally: support former #GA06 candidate @sallyharrellga in #GASD40, Georgia's most flippable district. 1% of…
Trump’s approval takes a dive
President Donald Trump almost had non-dismal rating after North Korea bump, but his dastardly bungling on immigration causes steep drop in approval. Should get worse for @POTUS as people see him fail to fix. 6/17: 50% disapprove, 45% approve 6/24: 55% disapprove; 41% approve See results: