Tag: John Noel
Hot mic: John Noel’s outlaw testimony at the Georgia Public Service Commission
FREE JOHN NOEL! (OK, he hasn’t been arrested yet.) When John Noel showed up to speak as a public witness Monday at the Georgia Public Service Commission, Chairman Stan Wise cut him off, claiming that, as a PSC candidate he had “other forums.” Noel was irritated at the censorship. He’d spoken at the PSC several times before, as a legislator, later as an energy-efficiency expert, and most recently in June—as a PSC candidate. So what happened between June and now? Well, there was this. Needless to say, Wise is not a big fan of Noel, who wants to take the PSC seat of the chairman’s buddy, Chuck Eaton. Not to be denied, Noel took matters into his own hands and produced a…
Georgia PSC chairman Stan Wise hates John @NoelforPSC and showed it
John Noel showed up to speak at a Georgia Public Service Commission meeting today, ready to talk solar and conservation but mainly no Vogtle. He was not allowed. So he look a picture (above). Vogtle is the subject up for debate at the commission. The commissioners haven’t really been debating Vogtle, of course. Shoulda, but instead the five merry Republicans have been rubber-stamping utility requests like Harpo Marx. Commissioners are so deep in bed with Georgia Power/Vogtle that they’ve been reaching over and shutting off the company’s alarm clock every morning for years. Now, a wake-up call. Or two. Hell, make it twenty-five billion. Despite gaming the system completely and constantly getting its way at the Commission and Georgia General Assembly, Southern Company…
Georgia Public Service Commission candidate John Noel blasts PSC over Vogtle report
Read “John Noel runs with the sun” Watch video feature “Sticking it to the Man!” Visit John’s website On Twitter: @NoelforPSC Follow John on Facebook NEWS RELEASE December 5, 2017 Contact: Gaela Peters; gaela@noelforpsc.com Georgia PSC candidate Noel blasts Commission over newest Vogtle Revelation Atlanta – Public Service Commission candidate John Noel has come out swinging about Plant Vogtle after the PSC Staff called for Southern Company stockholders to bear a large share of Georgia Power’s cost overruns on the increasingly expensive nuclear project. In its filing Friday, the PSC staff “concludes that completion of the (Vogtle) Project is no longer economic … given the additional costs and schedule delays.” The “economic benefit” of finishing the project would be negative $1.6 billion, according…
Georgia PSC Staff: It’s not worth it to finish Plant Vogtle
Update: See Democratic PSC candidate John Noel’s response to Staff’s testimony. Update PSC Chairman is pushing for a resolution of Plant Vogtle by year end. Read Stan Wise letter to Georgia Power By Jonathan Grant @Brambleman The Georgia Public Service Commission Staff filed testimony Friday declaring that it’s uneconomic for Georgia Power to complete Plant Vogtle, the $25-billion-and-counting nuclear plant under construction near Augusta. This is under-oath stuff from utility experts who, unlike the commissioners, are not paid by the company. We should listen to this warning. Unfortunately, commissioners don’t. Ignoring opposing evidence, the five Republican politicians have already signaled they’ll do what Georgia Power wants, which is to finish the plant and make a bunch of money not just despite but due…
Friday: Brian Kemp Recall Petition Signing and Holiday Celebration!
By Jonathan Grant @Brambleman It’s not Festivus exactly—we’re too charitable for that—but it is a petitioning of grievances because Brian Kemp is terrible at his job and thinks this entitles him to a promotion to governor next year. It does not. It entitles him to be fired. So that’s what we’re working to do. Gross incompetence, voter suppression, hyperpartisanship (preety sure that’s a word)—-the list goes on. The horrible is strong in this one. I’ve written as much already. Do we want this man to oversee an election that could catapult him into the governor’s mansion? No. We do not. Anyway, A Voice For All Georgia is having a party. It will be much more festive than Festivus. With activities and speakers…